Friday, 19 February 2010

Big Day, well, Night

Tonight is Rora's first night without her dummy. I 'accidentally' left it at preschool. She hasn't even been allowed to take it there for months. But today, because she had a cold, I said that she could take it (knowing full well that it was going to get lost).

Tonight at bedtime she asked 'Bo-Bo, mummy?' I told her to check her bag, but she couldn't find it. The clever lass then said 'Oh no! It's at preschool! Oh no!'
'oh dear, at preschool? Let's look for the spare one.'
So we searched the drawers and the cupboards and the dishrack and under the bed, but no Bo-Bo.
'don't worry, Darling,' isaid to her. 'we'll get it next week.'
Then there was one minute of crying, followed by 5 minutes of complaining, then asleep. Phew! Thank Goodness for that.

Bo hasn't had his since Monday, and he doesn't seem bothered at all, which is nice and easy. He's only had his a few months, so he wasn't as attached as Rora.

The reason for the sudden disappearance of the Bo-bo's is because they attended their new daycare on Monday and Tuesday and both of them slept with only their teddies. I figured if they can do it there, no reason for them to have them at home. I had been working up to this day for a few months, gradually losing all the favourites, only allowing Bo-bo's for sleeping, and never allowing them out of the house (unless rora was having an exceptionally bad day). But now that we're on track with her health, no need for Bo-bo's. Yay! Let's hope the the few nights are as easy :)

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