Sunday, 11 April 2010

My Iceblock!

I make homemade iceblocks for the kids out of pureed fruit and milk. Aurora prefers plain milk, but Flynn loves banana and pear. Here he is chomping down a very round one. I'd run out of space in the mold and just used a cup. He still thought it was great!

Tuesday, 30 March 2010


Every night when Flynn goes to bed he gets put into his sleeping bag. I say 'bye bye toes' and he waves to them. Then I say 'nigh nighs toes' and he blows them kisses. Then he gives me a hug and a kiss, gets into his cot with monkey, rolls over and goes to sleep. Ahhhhhh... Happy sleeping baby.

Saturday, 13 March 2010


10.45pm and she's finally gone to bed, though not asleep. Still jabbering away to puppy dog.

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Big Steps and Baby Signing

Flynn has been walking completely independently since Jan 2nd when he stood up and decided that he was going to walk from that day on.

His signing has exploded in the last week. He's been able to sign milk for months, as well as 'hot' and wave hello and goodbye. Now he also signs 'gone', 'aeroplane', 'eat' and 'drink'. I'm sure there are others but they've temporarily slipped my mind.

Flynn is also very good at following directions. He puts his nappies in the rubbish bin, puts his toys away, fetches things, finds Aurora when they play hide and seek.

Flynn is also sounding out new words all the time. Shoe, keys, milk, dangerous, stop... He loves trying out new words.

Big Boy

Flynn is 15 1/2 months. I just weighed him, fully clothed he is 11.3kg. His shoe size is already 5.

Rora is 34 months and weighs 13.5kg clothed without shoes. Rora's shoe size is 7 1/2 and that is big for her age.

Flynn has massive big toes, I've never seen toes so big on a baby his age. He's also an extremely relaxed baby, sorry, toddler.


Despite being up half the night Flynn seems to be feeling better. Must be half the ton of homeopathic remedies I gave him. He is walking around, taking an interest in things, giving rora high-fives and chatting away - even though his voice is so hoarse he sounds like a 60 year old smoker !!

Hair Cut

Aurora's pediatrician requested hair tissue mineral analysis to check for nutrient levels and toxicity. The hair sample required several chunks of hair cut from the roots. I tried to keep the cuts as hidden as possible, but there are still going to be tufty bits. (Right: Rora's wild hair before wash and cut)

While I was snipping, I thought I might trim the rest of her hair.

Oops! Maybe I went a bit overboard! But I'm thinking, short hair is good for Rora, as she can't stand having her hair washed and her head gets very sweaty each night. I think her new short style (left) is going to work perfectly.

Monday, 8 March 2010

Day Off

Flynn is staying home today as he is very unwell. When I dropped Rora off this morn at daycare one of the other little girls was also off today with vomiting. So yep, I was correct, Flynn has a different viral infection. Let's hope we all stay clear of it.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Round 2

Rora and Flynn have been sick all week with a viral infection. I thought they bioth had the same thing, but it was just manifesting in a different way. Rora with her 40* temperature at night only, and Flynn with his runny bum. Rora slept through last night for the first time since Sunday, and Flynn's nappy was acceptable.

But Flynn has woken up this afternoon with a high temperture and woeful crying. He ate his dinner amongst tears then threw up all over mom when I gave him neurofen. He seems happier now but I'm guessing that they actually had different viral infections. Daycare, perhaps?

Friday, 19 February 2010

Big Day, well, Night

Tonight is Rora's first night without her dummy. I 'accidentally' left it at preschool. She hasn't even been allowed to take it there for months. But today, because she had a cold, I said that she could take it (knowing full well that it was going to get lost).

Tonight at bedtime she asked 'Bo-Bo, mummy?' I told her to check her bag, but she couldn't find it. The clever lass then said 'Oh no! It's at preschool! Oh no!'
'oh dear, at preschool? Let's look for the spare one.'
So we searched the drawers and the cupboards and the dishrack and under the bed, but no Bo-Bo.
'don't worry, Darling,' isaid to her. 'we'll get it next week.'
Then there was one minute of crying, followed by 5 minutes of complaining, then asleep. Phew! Thank Goodness for that.

Bo hasn't had his since Monday, and he doesn't seem bothered at all, which is nice and easy. He's only had his a few months, so he wasn't as attached as Rora.

The reason for the sudden disappearance of the Bo-bo's is because they attended their new daycare on Monday and Tuesday and both of them slept with only their teddies. I figured if they can do it there, no reason for them to have them at home. I had been working up to this day for a few months, gradually losing all the favourites, only allowing Bo-bo's for sleeping, and never allowing them out of the house (unless rora was having an exceptionally bad day). But now that we're on track with her health, no need for Bo-bo's. Yay! Let's hope the the few nights are as easy :)

Sunday, 31 January 2010

Ice Ice Baby

Today we're having ice in a cup. On the beach towel in the kitchen. We're pretending we're at the beach. It's hot today. And it rained lots and lots this morning. Tonight we are going to Wayne's house for dinner. Wayne is Goong-Goong's friend.